Belgian Office, Taipei
Home Belgian Office, Taipei Contact and opening hours

Contact and opening hours


Suite 601, Worldwide House, 131, Minsheng E. Rd., Sec. 3, Taipei 105, Taiwan 
Telephone: +886-(0)2-2715-1215 
Fax: +886-(0)2-2712-6258 

Emergency number outside working hours: +886 936 707 791 (for Belgians only)



Opening hours

Visa applications and any other consular services is by appointment only. The opening hours are: Monday to Friday, from 9:30 AM to 12 PM and 13:30 PM to 14:00 PM.
Visa application instruction: VOW system 

Online appointment system : e-Appointment (

BOT office closures in 2023

20-25 January: Chinese New Year

28 February: Peace Memorial Day 

4 April: Children's Day 

5 April: Tomb Sweeping Day 

1 May: Labor Day

22 June: Dragon Boat Festival 

21 July: Belgian National Day

29 September: Mid-Autumn Festival

10 October: Double 10 

1 November: All Saints' Day

25 December: Christmas